Departed: Retakunna Huts, Three Capes Track
Destination: Fortescue Bay, Three Capes Track
Distance: 14km
Weather: 4 seasons in 1!
Mood: Mixed (Last day!)
Highlight: Cape Hauy and the Totem pole (or maybe the hot bath?)
Destination: Fortescue Bay, Three Capes Track
Distance: 14km
Weather: 4 seasons in 1!
Mood: Mixed (Last day!)
Highlight: Cape Hauy and the Totem pole (or maybe the hot bath?)
Did I tell you about the story of the sinking of SS Nord at Munro Bight? We were all enchanted by our Parks Ranger at Retakunna Huts. Georgie is a 20’s something seemingly innocent, unspoiled and infectious young lady that had us amused and entertained with the information she imparted. She gave us the good oil on the next days (today’s) itinerary and the expected times we should leave in the morning to ensure we had plenty of time to enjoy all that was on offer and still catch our allocated 4:00pm shuttle bus from Fortescue Bay back to Port Arthur (about a 20min journey).
Whilst she informed us of the most beautiful forests on the track we would be walking through, including the rain forests along with the most magnificent giant ancient fern trees, she also told us of the spectacular views we would see out at Cape Hauy if the weather was kind! She finally finished in a very natural and matter of fact way that the finishing ritual for the walk is to strip off and go naked for a swim at Fortescue Bay! It is invigorating and liberating and a great way to finish off with… (She of course was speaking from first hand experience!)
The next morning we woke to a spectacular pink sky (shepherds warning?). No time for fluffing as some of our party wanted us on the track by 8:30am (even though we were told that for the 4:00pm bus we could push off at 9:00!)
During our morning hut rituals we heard a helicopter arrive and watched Georgie all excited go off to greet the men that had just arrived. She wasn’t actually expecting a visit today only to discover they had come to the wrong hut! But never mind, they would still carry out their duties on this hut anyway! Georgie explained to us that they were here to spray the huts for insects and spiders, a very diplomatic answer, after hearing from the men themselves that it was also for the bed bugs! (Rest assured, there was no problem, but another example of just the lengths that the Tassie Parks people go to, to ensure everyone has an enjoyable experience on this walk!)
After a group photo (taken by one of the men spraying our rooms for bed bugs!) we were off for the final days walk. We had also been informed that the rain front would hit in about 4hrs time (approx the time we would reach Cape Hauy!)
Georgies description of the days walk were spot on and hopefully the photos will speak of the scenery rather than me! We had more story seats and poor Bretty got a little carried away with his story telling that nobody could tell if it was made up or factual and whilst he did it with such theatricals, some in the group refused him a further opportunity! (Such party poopers!)
We did make it out to Cape Hauy before the weather turned which made it for more dramatic viewing with dark clouds, sun, then rain followed by rainbows! We continued on to Fortescue Bay in light rain arriving with close to an hour to spare so that our own Bretty had plenty of time to do the nudy swim! But then he had packed his bathers, so would be a waste not to use them!